Whether you’re traveling to California or a full-time resident, you might wonder if kratom is fully legal in the state.
ShopKetum.com is here to answer that and show the legality of kratom in California, where it’s illegal, and whether they have any regulations on the sale or possession of kratom.
Is Kratom Legal in California?
Yes! Kratom is legal in the state of California. At the state level, there haven’t been any bands or restrictions on kratom use, which means it’s legal to buy, sell, possess, and use kratom throughout almost the entire state.
It is not classified as a controlled substance, which allows for the sale & purchase of a wide variety of kratom options including powders, capsules, and powerful kratom extracts.
However, while kratom is legal statewide, it’s illegal in the city of San Diego. That’s because the San Diego City Council approved an ordinance in 2016 that prohibited the sale, manufacturing, distribution, and possession of kratom, as well as spice, bath salts, and other psychoactive substances.
Still, while kratom is legal statewide, even if you aren’t in San Diego it’s important to double-check your city and county before buying or using kratom. That’s because they might have banned or be in the process of banning the beneficial plant.
Is Kratom Regulated in California?
Currently, kratom is unregulated in California, but that might not always be the case. In the Spring of 2024, Assemblymember Matt Haney, D-San Francisco, proposed a bill to regulate kratom products.
Under Assembly Bill 2365, kratom products would need to be registered with the public health department, ensuring they were free from adulterants and labeled with accurate alkaloidal amounts and warnings.
Additionally, this bill would ban kratom sales to anyone under the age of 21 and get rid of synthetic extracts that are no longer pure kratom.
We generally support these types of bills because they make kratom safer for everyone involved. While we can’t support every aspect of the bill, kratom regulations can prevent bad kratom products and help educate people on the benefits and minor downsides of the plant.
However, the bill eventually died and didn’t become law. That doesn’t mean future bills won’t be proposed and passed, but for now, kratom remains unregulated in California.
Is Kratom Legal in the United States?
Kratom is legal in the United States as a whole, but it is illegal in some states and municipalities. Those will be discussed in the next section, but for now, let’s look at the federal laws regarding kratom.
While kratom is not illegal in the United States, it does fall under the jurisdiction of the FDA. They have issued warnings about kratom in the past, but have not implemented a nationwide ban.
However, in August 2016, the DEA announced that it would classify kratom as a new Schedule 1 drug. This would have ended legal kratom nationwide, but due to a strong reaction including calls for Congress to overrule the decision, they changed their decision.
The result was that we could keep using kratom and buying our favorite strains like ShopKetum.com’s one-of-a-kind blend, White Fire Kratom Powder, which combines the ultimate relaxation of Red Strains with the Energy of White Strains, providing unmatched euphoria & peace of mind.
Where Else is Kratom Legal & Illegal?
While kratom is legal in the United States and the state of California, that’s not true everywhere. Here are the states and municipalities where kratom is legal and illegal as of January 2025, including their full legal to make it easy for you to tell if it’s legal, illegal, or in between.
- Alabama: Kratom is illegal to buy, possess, use, or sell.
- Alaska: Kratom is legal.
- Arizona: The Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) has passed with minimum age requirements & other regulations.
- Arkansas: Kratom is illegal to buy, possess, use, or sell.
- California: Kratom is legal everywhere except in San Diego, where it is banned.
- Colorado: Kratom is legal everywhere with exception of Denver where it is banned for human consumption, but not for sale. It is illegal to sell kratom in Parker Town and Monument Town.
- Connecticut: Kratom is legal.
- Delaware: Kratom is legal.
- Florida: Kratom is legal except in Sarasota County where it has been banned.
- Georgia: The KCPA has been passed.
- Hawaii: Kratom Consumer Protection Act Passed
- Idaho: Kratom is legal.
- Illinois: Kratom is legal to use and possess for people ages 18 and older except in the city of Jerseyville where it is banned.
- Indiana: Kratom is illegal to buy, possess, use, or sell.
- Iowa: Kratom is legal.
- Kansas: Kratom is legal.
- Kentucky: Kratom is legal.
- Louisiana: Kratom is legal
- Maine: Kratom is legal.
- Maryland: Kratom is legal.
- Massachusetts: Kratom is legal.
- Michigan: Kratom is legal
- Minnesota: Kratom is legal.
- Mississippi: Kratom is legal except in Union County where the substance is banned.
- Missouri: Kratom is legal
- Montana: Kratom is legal.
- Nebraska: Kratom is legal.
- Nevada: The KCPA has been passed.
- New Hampshire: Kratom is legal for possession and use for people ages 18 and older, except in Franklin where it is banned.
- New Jersey: Kratom is legal.
- New Mexico: Kratom is legal.
- New York: Kratom is legal.
- North Carolina: Kratom is legal.
- North Dakota: Kratom is legal.
- Ohio: Kratom is legal.
- Oklahoma: Passed Expanded KCPA
- Oregon: Kratom is legal to possess and use for individuals ages 21 and older.
- Pennsylvania: Kratom is legal.
- Rhode Island: Kratom is illegal to buy, possess, use, or sell
- South Carolina: Kratom is legal.
- South Dakota: Kratom is legal to possess and use for people ages 21 and older.
- Tennessee: Kratom is legal.
- Texas: Kratom is legal.
- Utah: The KCPA has been passed, and retailers are required to test the substance before selling it.
- Vermont: Kratom is illegal.
- Virginia: Kratom is legal.
- Washington: Kratom is legal.
- West Virginia: Kratom is legal.
- Wisconsin: Kratom is illegal.
- Wyoming: Kratom is legal.
As you can see, if you are outside of San Diego, then kratom is legal throughout the rest of California. In fact, ShopKetum.com is based in California, which means even faster delivery of our lab-tested, top-of-the-line kratom products.
Click here to browse our kratom products and find the perfect option for you!